Gender Equality: PRAD walks the talk
PRAD, the high-end decoration specialist for glass and aluminum containers, has been strongly committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative for several years. The French company has therefore decided to participate also in the European Sustainable Development Week, a European-wide initiative to encourage activities that promote the 17 goals of the UN Global Compact.
Gender equality
One of PRAD’s main concerns is the combat against all kind of discrimination. The company strives to be exemplary and promotes gender equality. Same opportunities and same pay for women and men are self-evident. Both in 2020 and 2021, PRAD has achieved the maximum possible score on the gender equality index by the Ministry of Labour.
No to sexism, yes to prevention
PRAD wanted to reinforce its combat. For this reason, the company dedicated, amongst other activities, a major amount of its training budget and efforts to the prevention of sexual harassment and violence in different circumstances, being private or professional. In cooperation with local associations PRAD set up and enrolled all its employees in an extensive training program, including self-defense classes for women. A part of this multifaceted training is held during this current European Sustainable Development Week 2022.
By the way, PRAD is also rated EcoVadis OR and has put strong emphasis on CSR since the arrival of Bruno Pierrain, owner and CEO since 2016. “Combating violence against women is not only dealt by judicial remedy. It’s the responsibility of all of us. Society must not let things happen, but make aware, train, educate and protect. All kind of society, including companies.”